
Friday, March 11, 2011

it is prison

I am sitting here watching CSI poaching internet off of a neighbor all curled up on my sofa. This episode takes place in prison. I always love these episodes, they always seem a little bit more intense or exciting. My theory behind this added entertainment is because prison is a world so beyond myself, a subkingdom in the US that I know very little about. In psych class in college the teacher was talking about the US prison system and what part worked and why it most often didn't. It was an interesting debate, how often people get better care in prison hence making it a "good idea" to stay in. Fascinating. To me it seems like the ABSOLUTELY WORST idea ever. I was talking to a new friend the other day and he told me he had been arrested twice. Once was in TX and his 12 hold was the longest 12 hours of his life. The other was in his home state and it was highly enjoyable, good food, friends from high school etc. I was arrested once (SURPRISE!) it was for a non-payment of a ticket, actually I had payed the ticket but late and I did the math wrong (CURSE MY MATH INABILITY), anyway I cried and cried and cried. It was SO humiliating. When I told my friend this he laughed and laughed and laughed :-). I did not have to stay in jail, I was released and told to pay my fine within the week. But it was one of the worst experiences in my life. All this is to say I NEVER wish to be on the inside of a prison cell. I will stick with my CSI fix :-)

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