
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Photos of the horses in the summer

You know what's cool about the summer Olympics?

  • They are NOTHING like YRC Worldwide (that commercial really bugs me)
  • Michael Phelps, Dara Torres, Aaron Peirsol, Ryan Lochte, Natalie Coughlin and the rest of the US Swim Team
  • The fact that they are 12 hours ahead of us so we all get to be tired together
  • That every year there is a story that inspires somebody to keep moving forward
  • That several times this year its been proven desire is stronger than age
  • That in the midst of war, famine, drought and communism love and pride can unite the world
  • Shawn Johnson and her adorable smile
  • You suddenly have something in common with the person in front of you in line and can talk all about how great Misty and Kerry were last night
  • The athletes are competing for their nation, not themselves
  • That Muslim women are able to participate
  • That some small country from some random corner in the world can feel just as big and great as the next guy when their athlete wins the gold
  • That a girl with one leg can qualify and compete against girls with 2 legs and beat the tar out of 11 of them
  • That getting there is sometimes better than winning a medal
  • That more people have watched these Olympics than anything ever put on TV
  • That patience is a virtue and the reward is sweet
  • That for the first time in a long time, I want to be great at my sport again.
Congratulations and thank you to all the members of Team USA, their families and their friends.

it is who I am

.I discovered I love...
..the look on salesman's faces when they find out I'm the owner.
...when people look at me funny when I'm singing show tunes as I pass them on my scooter. when people looked up at Marky and say "Wow! He's big."
...snowflakes on my eyelashes.
...watching Scrubs at midnight.
...mowing the grass.
...reading a book by the lake.
...the color blue. electronic gadgets.
...Gregory Peck more than Cary Grant.
...a warm honey latte.
...a windy day in the summer time.
...footprints in the snow.
...brown boots.
...waking up 5 minutes before the alarm and hearing the total silence of the world around me.
...walking into my shop when its busy and the coffee is brewing and the sandwiches are grilling
and taking a deep breath.
...hiding under my covers when its raining outside.