
Saturday, January 29, 2011

it is a little jazz

Tonight I sang at my little shop. I haven't done a show in FOREVER and was a little bit nervous as to how my voice would hold out. But all in all it was a great show. Had a blast. Skyped a friend in CAN and Skyped a sis in CO. It was fun to have some of my close friends who are far away near by for an evening :-).
I am still at my little shop - I took some quiet time by myself here taking those breathes that were alluded to in the previous post. I was watching an Episode of Bones, my current therapy of choice. Anyways the show ended and I was wrapping up my stuff to head home. And I looked around at the little shop all tucked in for the night, most of the lights off, all the furniture neatly back where it belongs. And I thought about how it looked a mere 45 minutes ago. Crammed with people, laughing, talking, eating. And a little wave of contentedness washed over me. Like right after you have eaten the perfect, savory, rich and not too much. That complete satisfaction.
Well it is time for this little jazz singer to go home - it was an awesome night. Thanks to all of you who came out :-).


Cheryl Ann Wills said...

it was one of your best performances at The Hard Bean. and your 2 guitarists were sooo good.
Your voice was back to that 'melting inside of me' feeling that I love so much. Thank you for the gift. we all appreciated it. very much.

Katherine said...

Oddly enough, I miss closing time at the Bean. It was a good feeling to dump coffee and scrub tables and lock up. Miss you!