
Saturday, June 12, 2010

it is the one left behind

The song "On the Street Where You Live" has been stuck in my head for several days now. I happen to love that song so it's fine by me. However whilst singing this song to myself I began to think about the poor character from My Fair Lady whose song this is. For those of you who have not seen the show, in a nutshell, Freddy falls madly in love with Eliza who falls in love with Henry. Anyways as he sings his little heart out on the street where suddenly he's seven stories high knowing he's on the street where she lives and where people stop and stare but they don't bother him because there's nowhere else on earth that he'd rather be, your heart has to break a little for the guy. This started me thinking of all the characters in my favorite films and plays and books there is almost always someone left behind. Someone who is a good person who is madly and crazily in love with the main character whose heart gets smashed. I started thinking about my life and what if I'm Freddy? Destined to fall in love with someone who falls in love with someone else? Does Freddy ever find his true love? Am I just a completely hopeless romantic and does true love exist? Have I been duped?


Cheryl Ann Wills said...
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Katherine said...

I can't say I've ever felt much sympathy for Freddy. He's just a little insipid for my taste. . . and I think it's a little weird that he hangs out on her street day and night staring at her window. Can you say creeper!? He obviously needs a job.

If it comforts you at all, you'll be happy to know that in the original stage version, Eliza and Freddy run off and get married at the end of the show. I guess the moral of the story is that it's better to run off with the jobless sap who loves you rather than the verbally abusive, arrogant jerk you love. Actually, they both sound like terrible options to me. . .

Full & Happy Heart said...

katherine i love you

Emily said...

I say skrew them all and live happily by yourself..or with "a lesbian lover", and enjoy having the ability to do what you want when you want. Living a life where you have the ability to up and leave on vacation without a moments notice and without having to talk to your significant othere and hear his say in it...blah blah blah.. basically life is better when you make the rules, love is messy. Disclaimer: Living your life like this may leave you very lonely, sad and make you into a completely selfish person which not even your closest friends can bare be around. I guess you have to decide if a relationship is worth the "what if's".

Anonymous said...

it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. painful as that is, this is true.