
Sunday, June 20, 2010

it is women

*disclaimer - this is an entirely pointless blog. why i even am going to hit the publish button i do not know. however read at your own risk, it is a massive waste of 5 minutes.*
I'm sitting here watching "it's complicated" and Alec Baldwin's character is complaining about his new wife and how she is turning into someone she wasn't supposedly when he had the affair with her and got married etc etc. I've met women like that, not particularly like the 2nd wife's character, thank goodness because she makes me want to be violent. Anyways, I've met women who change drastically after they marry the guy. I feel sorry for the poor gents. But my question is this, where there red flags before they tied the knot? My guess is yes but sometimes i do think the women flip a switch. one of my favorite movies is "first wives club." During the opening credits the song states something to the effect of hey little girl with that ring on your finger don't stop trying, don't stop working, don't stop loving that man. its true right? everything that a guy is going to fall in love with you about while you are dating is something that you should know that you will have to keep doing once your married right? say they guy loves surprises, spontaneity etc, well once your married i wouldn't suggest you stop surprising him. i have a couple of customers who have just started dating. before they were official the woman was all over this guy i mean all over. but now that they are actually dating, controlling, no touchy touchy. how uncool is that? all of the sudden she has snagged him and poof all the romance (gross as it may have been) is gone? Now I will make another point, earlier today I watched a few minutes of "conversations with other women" in which Aaron Ekhart's character states that he wishes he didn't know how much his girlfriend had to work to keep her figure. OK so can we say this is another problem?? Really he just magically expects this girl to a goddess at every given point and time. AND that she won't have to work at it? Well too bad she is no Aphrodite, or Helen of Troy. I think what I am trying to get at is that this, A) I really hope I am aware enough to not stop trying and to not stop loving whomever comes into my life. and B) i hope that whomever comes into my life realizes that i am not a goddess, far from it and i am just a plain old human who is bound to make mistakes, and my poo stinks just as much as the next goddesses.
i wish at this point and time i could use the excuse that i have had too much to drink but sadly i just had one beer and that was hours and hours ago.....but i definitely watch too many movies and that i need to put an end to and bust out some more books.

1 comment:

Lorien said...

oh my goodness. I am bringing back so many movies. We are going to have so many movie nights. Consider yourself warned.

Both sides of the relationship equation can shift gears, though. Some of the shifts are silly and some are natural. It'd all be easier if people focused on a) mature, sensible, God-centered relationships, and b) stopped the stupid games. But, uh, yeah. That might become the norm when everyone acknowledges that we have three moons in the sky.

My parents often say, "People marry whom they marry for a reason," and it's true. We don't choose partners in vacuums. Dating may well clarify things and teach us what to avoid and what to seek, but especially in final decisions like marriage... there'll be elements in ourselves that affect our choice of spouses. If a guy is a jerk, that says something about the woman who married him. If a woman is a harridan, that says something about the man who married her.

It's Complicated wasn't nearly as funny as it should have been, even though I enjoyed it. Especially... that ONE sequence... that you'll get to eventually. Also, dude. What's with the bakers in movies making it look like baking is the perfectest job ever? Streep in this one. Maggie G in Stranger than Fiction. It's some sort of carbohydrate plot.