
Monday, January 25, 2010

it is normal

A friend of mine has decided that they are missing normalcy in their life. What is normalcy might I ask? Who knows what is normal in their life? Do you have a normal life? Do I? When I told her that a normal life is an enigma she said she wished to be God's version of normal. Well the word normal is not in the Bible so how would one find out God's version of normal. In the Song of Solomon he says...but my dove, my perfect one, is unique... and who doesn't want to be that girl? I mean he wrote one of the steamiest books to date all about her uniqueness. What I am trying to say is that why would you want to be average, plain, boring, just like any other bloke. Why wouldn't you want to be yourself,find your uniqueness and stand up on your own two feet and say to the world this is who I am deal with it! I don't feel like I made my point, or if I even know which point I was trying to make. But I'll leave you with this. Be yourself and be proud of yourself.

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