
Friday, December 26, 2008

it is christmas

Have you ever noticed that all the holiday movies that come out every year always have people discovering the true meaning of Christmas, giving, sharing, loving, remembering. But it seems to be a lesson that is never truly taught. Why is it that we here, at least the people I run into in this little Midwestern town, still are missing the meaning of this time of year. I am constantly amazed at the human race's ability to turn something beautiful and wonderful into something controversial. Think about it. Love, we are constantly trying to find it in all the wrong places, and in fact to so much extent that many people it does not exist ( and I am not talking about romantic love, which that word could be considered used incorrectly when two perfect strangers "make love"). Children, little blessings, or so they should be. You have the one child rule in China, abortions all over the world, abused and battered (that of course could tie into love). How about religion, oh this is a good one. Think about all the wars fought on behalf of someone's god. Think about the mental anguish caused by someone attempting to be god-like (or what they assume is god-like). Let alone the people who are driven away from God because of asinine people taking authority and abusing it. Now lets take Christmas, because that is the season we are in, Christmas when first celebrated was a remarkable event. Christians would gather in secret and celebrate the fact that someone cared enough about them to come and save them. You see the whole point in being is that Christ, Jesus was already dead on the cross the very second he was conceived in Mary's womb. So you see Easter was already sworn in stone right there at that point. Now fast forward 2000 years and here we have it, a bunch of people buying gifts that will not be remember the following year. People spending money that they don't have. People complaining about their family members, Begrudging the time they get to spend with one another. Its sad really. In church yesterday Father's sermon was about love. True honest to goodness love. And he quoted from St Ignatius and he said he could just see 3 beings of God looking down on the earth and asking what would it take to teach their creation how to Love. I wish that people did know how to love. I wish I knew how.


Anonymous said...

we should ponder that question daily. and ask God to reveal His wisdom. and I'll bet He'll give us an answer. b/c He says, if you seek my wisdom I will give it to you.
and i would also bet His answer would mention something about doing unto others as we would have others do unto us. and being full of kindness and compassion. and putting others first. and using our words to build up and not tear down. and feeding the hungry and clothing the poor and visiting those in prison and caring for the widow and the orphan.
answers all along those lines. and you know, if we would take His answer to heart, and apply it each day, we would be different. and guess what? so would the people we come in contact with. and then those they come in contact with. and so on and so forth. and eventually, guess what would happen? the entire world would be a better place to live.
but, alas, it is difficult to take His words to heart on a regular, daily basis. there are so few who do.
Perhaps it will be my daily goal for 2009.
and i will thank you for writing this post, to give me a starting off point for this new year.
and maybe i will be a better person by December 31, 2009, and perhaps I will begin to make the world around me a better place.
In fact, I will thank you right now. And i will also say, God bless you with a wonderful year full of His wonder and grace.

Cheryl Ann Wills said...

It really is Christmas. And God really did become Man. He really came to pour out love and kindness on all of humanity. Just like Father B said on christmas morning. And just like the other reader said we should. Contemplate what that really means in our own lives bc maybe we can make a difference by it. Love u. Mom