
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I have decided I hate Blog Titles

Can you believe it is almost Christmas time?? I am so exceptionally excited, i love Christmas. I feel sorry for those who have been burned by the commercialization of the holiday and who cannot enjoy it anymore. I also feel sorry for the people who are caught up in that commercialization and enjoy for the wrong reasons. Yes don't get me wrong it is wonderful to give and to get but the true spirit of Christmas is not that. Funny that the first present of Christmas was the ultimate sacrifice, the giving of a life for a world that did not love that life or understand it and still doesn't. My roomy and I were talking a week or so ago and discussing the fact that so few people just live love and that if everyone in the world was to focus on that one thing there would be no wars, blood feuds, acts of terrorism or the like. But still we focus on our differences and are consistently at odds with each other. Throughout history we can see the repetitive nature of the human race. We think that we have advanced, and we have as far as technology goes but our true nature unfortunately has not advanced as much as I would have hoped it had. I find myself being as judgmental as the next and must ask for the worlds forgiveness. The fact is it is a struggle to really be love that is why it took God himself to show us what that meant. At this time of year we tend to focus on the down-trodden the poor and hopefully attempt to show charity to our fellows but a majority of us (at least American's and i would imagine a good chunk of the affluent world) focus on the presents the money spent and the remarkable amount of food consumed. The fact is the only reason the general population is at all giving in because of St. Nick, he lived love and he showed the the modern world what Christ meant. We can all be Christlike this year by following his example of giving unconditionally (note I did not say uncontrollably) and find the true meaning of Christmas is love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay! it's true! You're right. I love St. Nick. and I love the celebration of our Lord's birth by giving gifts in His honor. Just like old St. Nick. Merry Christmas!