
Friday, November 7, 2014

it is your heart

 An employee was talking about a girl he had a crush on a few weeks ago and how they were just friends but she's been hinting at something more....but she has a boyfriend. He said he wanted to see if it could turn in his favor. I told him to be careful and to have more respect for himself than that. He asked why I thought sex was bad? That's not what I said I said respect yourself, meaning don't put yourself in a situation that could lead to heartache, loss of friend, hurting someone else etc. He said "oh". Yesterday he told me he had sex with that girl, "I don't know how I feel about it but I'm afraid I made a bad choice." 
When did it become ok to allow your heart to be broken? When did it become ok to break someone's heart? It is our right to protect out heart, and it is our duty to protect others' hearts. We shouldn't feel guilty for standing up for ourselves, defending our honor or simply walking away. We also shouldn't take advantage of someone's weakness, exploit kindness, or trick someone into loving us. We only get one heart, the more it breaks the harder it is for us to open up to truly good things that may come our way. My father once told me a sin is an action that hurts us or someone else. Stop hurting each other, stop hurting yourself. 

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