
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Happy be-lated birthday Mommy!

It took me a bit to sort out what I wanted to say but I think I've figured it out. 

When I go out with my mother no one ever guesses her age. Yes, I hope I got that part of the genetic gene pool but it's not just genes she takes incredible care of her skin, her routine and products are precise and followed out to the T. (No this isn't a sales pitch.) My point is her loyalty and dedication are impressive. I hope I learned that from my mother :-). Another thing I hope my mother has taught me is bravery. At this moment my 64 year old mother has traveled to Israel. And she went kicking and screaming, but she went. And she's enjoying herself despite riots and demonstrations. It's true she didn't want to go because of fear but once she's  there in the face of it, she never shows fear. I hope I learned to be able to stare something I am most afraid of in the face and find away to enjoy the life around me. I love my mother and am so proud to be able to call her that. 

Mom- obviously this year is bringing new expierences and I hope they create magical memories. I love you! 

1 comment:

Cheryl Writes On said...

Becca!! I got home from Israel and the West Bank safely the other day. I am so thankful i just let go of the fear and trusted Jesus for WHATEVER might happen.
JUST NOW I happened on your blog. And saw this sweet birthday post. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
You already are brave and beautiful. And i love every bit of you.