
Friday, July 31, 2009

It is happiness

On this glorious morning I rode my scooter to the stable to see my horses. The perfect weather prompted a song in my head and as I hummed along I started bobbing head to the tune only I could hear. As the passersby gave me odd looks, half smirking half smiling, I began to giggle, and then the giggle turned into a laugh and then before I knew it I was cracking myself up at my own silliness and supreme happiness bubbled into my soul.
Make sure you laugh today.


stlouismb said...

you are silly. glad you enjoyed your ride.

Cheryl Ann Wills said...

I love being silly, too! which, of course, you and your baristas know very well. I'm glad you were totally enjoying a silly morning on a gloriously perfect morning of cool breezes - you deserve lots of mornings like that!