
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Thank God for Espresso and Chocolate

I would not have made it through the day is that little goat hadn't started dancing all those years ago. And I am so grateful that God had created caffeine in the first place :-). In all my exhaustion I am thrilled that these past two days have gone so well. However in the midst of the good chaos there were some serious negativities that took place. Today started out just fine, i was a little late in getting up, but i thought i had plenty of time to get done what was needed. I went into the kitchen turned on Rachel Ray and started my dishes and some chicken on the stove (i haven't gotten a chance to eat said chicken so i don't know if it is tasty or not, but i sauted habanaero peppers and pineapple with tequila until it turned into a beautiful caramel glaze and the chicken was a golden brown - mmmmm). Anyways after this was done I was heading out to see "my boys" and make sure they were comfy in the chilly air when i saw that i had missed a text asking me to make a milk run for the shop. Crunched my time a bit and i was running about 1/2 hour late. Mom and I had a bit of a tiff, of which I am sorry. But that was the first mocha downed, oh so much better. And to make the hectic day even more so the cycle of life decided today was the day she was planning a visit. Which did not help the emotional train at all. ah but the mocha did help so very much :-). As the afternoon went on the shop was BUSY which was great!!! but i hadn't eaten anything since my blueberry muffin at 8 am so at about 4:30 down went the second mocha. At about 5 i found out that my horses board was going up and care was going down, so i was furious, i vented to a friend via e-mail, the shop continued to be slammed (again wonderful) a couple of good friends came in to visit and we talked horses and life for 15 min or so and then a third rush for the day started and so still nothing to eat. It is now 8:30 and i am just sitting down to vent and eat my first full meal of the day. And though now i have been closed for half an hour I still have a mostly full house and it would appear to remain that way for at least til 9, meaning that i won't get home until 10. So as complete exhaustion sets in I am greatful for my mother who brought me food for dinner, my father who came and helped me with the dishes, my friends who have let me vent, given me ideas, and given me hope. I am grateful for the customers who will help me pay my mortgage this month. But above all I am thankful for that little goat who danced on a hill, and whoever decided coffee was better with chocolate, to them I applaud for helping me get through a hectic day!!!

1 comment:

Cheryl Ann Wills said...

me, too.
Dad said that habernera (sp?) chicken was fabulous on day 2 :)