
Saturday, November 24, 2007

Perfection is Found In the Imperfections

How do you tell someone that you love the way they perceive the world is not how the rest of the world perceives it? How do you tell someone that you love that the flaws they see in others are reflections of their own self? How do you tell someone you love that the world is not a wolf with his teeth barred waiting to devour them at their first wrong step? How do you tell someone that you love that it is their imperfections that make you love them? How do you tell someone that you love that a little more forgiveness toward the ones they love is necessary? My motto for life is simple, perfection is found in the imperfections. Many people have told me that the previous statement is a complete impossibility, but I beg to differ. If you think about it why do you love someone, and what really is love? You love the person for everything that they are, you don't just love them for what they do perfectly. And what makes that person who they are, is their quirks and funny idioms. And isn't that what love is? Loving someone for their downfalls, for their imperfections and accepting them for who they are, their entire self. It is hard when you watch someone be hurt by the ones they love because they are looking at the world as they believe it should be, not how it is. And it is harder still to watch them hurt those around them by not showing love in a way many understand. But again I ask, how do you tell that person that you love that the world is not perfect, that people do not know all things and neither do they?

1 comment:

Cheryl Ann Wills said...

it's overdue time for a new post :)