
Friday, September 21, 2007


On occasion I feel lonely. I am generally an independent woman, I run my own business, I live in my house, mow my own lawn, drive my own car. But there are sometimes when I would really like to be in some sort of committed relationship with some fabulous man who is not intimidated by my independence and bullheadedness. Who would be there when I feel like a little girl and need someone's shoulder to cry on, when I awake in the middle of the night terrified that something retched has just happened to be there to look me in the eye and tell me its alright. When those feelings of desperation grip me, when I feel terribly and utterly alone what am I to do?
I instantly start thinking of all the men in my life. The ones I said no to, should I have said yes? The ones who wanted to control me like a shrew, the ones who turned out to be mere boys, not men. Then I think of my friends and their "other halves" would I have the patience to make something work? Are they really happy sacrificing part of themselves for the other? Then like a breath of spring air, just after it rains, you know the clean earth and cool breeze, a man sweeps in and states an interest in me, little ol' me, and suddenly I wouldn't care that I might have to give up some of my dreams, maybe a few small ones to be with this person, a person who I cared for a long time, without knowing it was reciprocated. The emotions that had flooded me were so marvelous and joyful. Then to have it stolen away again, without an explanation, without a word, without a single utterance.
Again I must prepare myself for being alone for the rest of my life, just when I had tossed the rag aside. Just when I thought there might be some slight hope of togetherness in my future. So I bear myself up, I say "that's ok, it wouldn't have worked anyhow." So now I go on, I scoop up the dead bird, I talk myself out of being afraid, I buckle down and work extra long hours and eat cereal for dinner. I move on into the future, saying I'll be fine to live alone, to Christmas alone, to have a future alone, to die alone. On the outside showing a face that doesn't scar, on the inside crying out in fear, that I will be alone, that I won't know the joy of companionship, that there will be no togetherness, that there will be no marvelous arguments about what color to paint the bathroom, that I will never know why it feels good to sacrifice for the other, to never watch the sunset in another's arms, to never be gifted a rose of deep scarlet, to never wear a silly ring, to never comfort another's pain, to never have someone to cook for, to never have to clean another's socks.
I tell myself that I can make it through this world with a few close friends and I'll be fine. But deep deep down there is not a cell in me that wants the solo life. I want to be in an eternal duet, so that way whatever may happen, good or bad there will be someone to lean on and someone for me to support, that fabulous give and take is what I want. Where tomorrow arises with shared joy, where his sadness, love, passion, hope would be mine as well.
For now though, I am alone. And I must accept this. For now I have to be the big independent woman not desperate for a man. For desperation leads to rash, fear-driven decisions that only end in pain. For now I must be strong, stronger than most men that I know. But I have to hope that one day, maybe someday I will meet the man I love, who is big and strong, and who I will do my best to keep him for all eternity, so that in this life and the next I will never be alone.


Full & Happy Heart said...

I wanted to real quick leave a little footnote to any of you who read this. Yes I am a Christian and yes I know that God is there to be my one and only until that man comes along. But I also know that he designed us to be a duo, look at Adam & Eve. After he created this wonderful world he looked at Adam and said, hey this guys will be lonely if he doesn't have is other half, the fair half to beautify and brighten his world. So yes I know God is there, but he doesn't care if I paint my bathroom purple or orange, he cannot physically hold me in his arms and watch a sunrise. No for all the inner comfort and inner peace I do believe that something would be missing if I was alone for my mortal life. And yes I do believe in soul mates, I believe that there is a perfect match. And I do believe that I must wait for that imperfect soul to find me and likewise I must be open to seeking it out. However sometimes I'm just another lonely human being making her trip around the sun.

Anonymous said...

you're right, God created them man in His image. He created them man and woman. And He also showed us, with the Holy Family, what family truly was and how important it is to Him. Do not lose heart. Cultures speak in terms of time that God does not necessarily agree with. Because He has a plan for each of us. In HIS time (He who is without time).Keep your eyes on Him, and He will carry you through the lonely days and fill you with His presence so they are, then fulfilled. And while you pursue the other hopes and dreams He has placed in your heart. And keep your mind and heart open to His leading. Always knowing that paths are never straight. Listen to Him with your heart. Because He speaks very quietly. That's why we have prayer and meditation time alone with Him, so that we can hear. And you will find peace on your journey.

Anonymous said...

Hello Bex.
I know exactly how you feel. I felt it before I met my husband. It's kind of a pang of loneliness in your heart. When it's the right time, it'll come to you. That's how it happened for me. I had even gulped down my pride and made myself happy by myself.

Now, I'm married for 3 years and I have a little girl. There are days when waking up next to my hubby is frustrating. It's not always rose petals and happiness. With love and passion comes fighting and bickering too. Somedays, I wish I hadn't given myself into a duet. I love my husband. I do. I love my baby. I do. But there are days when I want to trade it all in to be alone and independent. To not worry about anyone but myself. I then kick myself. I'm luckier than most.

So I guess we could consider each other both to be lucky......just in different ways.
God Bless You. Keep praying.

stlouismb said...

love you!