
Friday, September 14, 2007

Birds and the Bees, Flowers and Trees

After a great intellectual, somewhat insulting (towards me) discussion with a guy friend of mine i was left to ponder the differences of men and women and why we are different and should be treated as such. There are obvious physical differences that I am sure we would all agree upon. But there are also many emotional and hormonal differences that i believe, at least in my circle of friends, that normally fall into the category of PMS (at the moment I am writing this I would like everyone to know that no, it is not that time of month). When I think of people getting married, which is actually how this subject came up, I find it very interesting to see who people choose to become their life partner, their other half. Most of my friends are married, getting married or in a committed relationship that will most probably end in marriage. Fortunately or unfortunately this is not the case for me. I have been told that I am too passionate a person, expect too much from a man, and that fiery people have more to work on to become a good Christian (and no he was not dating me). Now I know that I am a passionate person and I am a bit headstrong but it fits my life. I cannot express enough at how one day I would hope to find my equal that I would be able to spend the rest of my life with. I am searching for someone who is equally passionate, is strong in places I am weak and fit together so that we would be as one.

Now to hopefully clear the air for my good friend I will attempt to explain the way I view the differences in men and women in hopefully clear terms. I do believe deep in my heart that every woman should be respected like a princess. Now before you get up in arms boys, I also believe that every man should be respected like a prince. I feel that the lack of respect that the general population holds for one another is entirely appalling and should be addressed. Now I would hope that we all agree that princes and princesses have entirely different roles. The prince is to be groomed for leadership, taught in the art of war, prepared to defend his people. While the princess is to be the giver, the lover of charity and have the compassion to help the less fortunate. When you look at history you can see the great royalties that have made an impact on the world around them. Such as, King Wenseslas of Bohemia, Queen Elanor of Aquitaine, Elizabeth 1 of England, King Arthur, Saint George. All who stood for a greater purpose and were respectful of everyman and wholly devoted to the women that they loved.

A woman is like a flower. For the all the different kinds of flowers there are equally types of women. Flowers need different attention then say a tree. Some women are like orchids or african violets who need extra special attention and care. Others could be compared to mums, daisies or zinias, who need minimal attention but you still need to nip and feed and water them, while still others are of the wild variety thriving on their own, making do with what they can. And the same goes for trees, as I would liken to men, the majority of trees grow very well where they are planted, many grown strong without added assistance. Though there are varieties of trees that are more sensitive that require more care (respect) than others. In the plant kingdom we also find that there can be perfect harmony among these two species (marriage). Take for example the fruit bearing tree where the tree, after it has grown and come into itself supplies the support needed for the blossom (the woman) providing it the nutrients and water (care and respect) that is needed for her to bear fruit (not to be taken in the literal sense that all women must bear children because "fruit" can be love, care and admiration, or anything else that is needed by the man). Or you could see pansies thriving under the shade of a big strong oak.

All of this is to say that we all need and deserve respect. Each and every human, passionate or dull, black or purple, weak or strong. And we also need to know who we are so that we can find the correct match. Because you see a zinia will not do well under the shade of a weeping willow. No we are all perfect because we are all imperfect and we should learn to love our imperfects selves and love the other perfect (imperfect) people around us.


Cheryl Ann Wills said...

I shall soon leave a thoughful note on your well articulated and wise commentary of the differences between the sexes.
But now I must run to the 'Bean to be your projectionist so I will just say that i LOVE the smile boxes! what fun pix & great music! hbcoffeegirl

September 14, 2007 5:15 PM

Anonymous said...

Well put Becca. I completely agree. You have vividly captured how this culture (or most of it at least) views each other. We have forgotten how to give respect to others. How to serve, nurture, and help others grow. We must be reminded and your message does so very eloquently.

Cheryl Ann Wills said...

Respect and honor is why we treat each other as 'princes and princesses.' Perhaps your friend is just too hung up on the terms. Too bad because they're missing the point. And regarding the passion. Name the people who have changed the world and who did it without passion. Wimps and wooses (how DO you spell that??)do not make permanent long standing positive change for the multitudes. We wouldn't call Jesus a wimp. Or Saint Paul. Or Mother Theresa. Or Wangari Maathai. Keep your passion, girl, you will make the difference AND keep your faith:)

Mandee said...

We should talk sometime about this Becca! It sounds like you and I would have VERY interesting conversations on this topic. I wish you couldv'e come to Franciscan and studied Theology (especially Theology of the Body). I'm in a class right now called "Christian Marraiage" it's not anything I haven't heard before but it puts things in a different perspective.