
Saturday, August 1, 2015

it is parenthood

My parents celebrated their 35th anniversary last week. They have stuck through their marriage when a lot of people would have called it quits. They have evolved, grown and fought to stay together and they are stronger for it. They love deeper and have become better people because of each other. I know I have not always been the best daughter. I have said and done things that I should not have. But they have always stuck by me and always lived me, I'm eternally grateful for that. My parents have taught me many things but two things have been brought to the for front this week. 1) always have grace for others 2) if you have and another has not, share. 

At work one of our new guys made a pizza for one of the managers to take home to her family. It came out looking like a flying saucer, oblong oversized and super thin. I said it's ok it's for an employee. She then rolled her eyes and said "my dad is going to hate that" now the pizza is going to taste pretty much the same so what's the big deal. We have to suffer through paying customers complaints all day can't you have a little grace for the new guy and your free pizza? A few days ago my parents and aunt and uncle came to visit me at my other job and I was sat 5 minutes before they walked in with a party of 35. My manger who happens to be one of my best friends helped my parents more than I was able to and they were gracious through the whole meal. Since my section was full they had to be sat at someone else's table so they made sure to leave him a tip for stealing his table. Kindness and grace. Beautiful. 

Today a friend of mine has fallen in to a horrible spot and is homeless for a couple weeks. So my parents only having met this girl for 5 minutes when she helped me move are opening their home to her and her two babies for as long as she needs to get on her feet. Giving and compassion. Beautiful. 

I know my parents are not perfect and I know they will continue to not be perfect. But they have the most incredible hearts and beautiful souls. I hope I am at least half the human they are. 

Love you Mom and Dad!


Cheryl Writes On said...

Oh Becca. Thank you so much. You made me cry. Again (but that might be easy lol).
Part of who we are is who our daughters are,too. What I mean is, family molds each other.
So I thank you for being YOU. Always.
love love love,

Cheryl Writes On said...

A caption for the photo: that is us on the Irish Sea, our last night of a 3 week life changing holiday to celebrate our 35 years together in Dublin, Wicklow, Rome, Florence, Siena, Pisa, San Gimignano, and Assisi. :)