
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

it is belief

Today I would like to say a bit about my parents.
My mom sells Shaklee products and has since I was little. My dad was a pastor of a church and still is a pastor in many ways even though he doesn't have a building for people to enter into they still come.

What do these two things about my parents have in common? The main emphasis in both of their careers (you could say they chose but I believe the careers chose them) is that they support people.
Today my mom is helping a woman with her two little boys who needs to make $1,000 by the end of the week in order to keep her electricity, water, and her roof. Now if my parents had that $1,000 I could guarantee they would give it to her but they don't so they sat down came up with a seriously intensive plan for her to sell the number of protein shakes, and vitamins to reach her financial goal by this week. Now it's hard and close to unfeasible but with my parents supporting her I feel like she can do it.

The thing is maybe my parents don't always make the best choices (who does?) and maybe they make mistakes throughout their lives (who doesnt?) but my parents have successfully mastered one thing and that is loving people. They are both imperfect (aren't we all?) but they never give up. I have never once hear my parents talk despairingly of the human race, as war, genocide, hate, laziness, unintelligence run rampant through the world they both believe there are still redeeming qualities. I don't know if i have ever even heard them talk despairingly about a situation they just support care and look for solutions.
And so my parents who each have a birthday this week I am so grateful that you have instilled in me a spirit of optimism, hope, perseverance and most importantly forgiveness.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Cheryl Writes On said...

I wasn't prepared to cry when I finally checked your blog this morning. Thank you so much, Becca. I pray I can live up to that tribute until my death. And that translates into praying to be obedient to my Call. I love you so much. I am so proud of the person you are. I am grateful to say, "See that beautiful woman with the heart that breaks to see sadness and pain around her? The one who gives selflessly to those in need of time, energy, and a listening ear? She is my daughter, Rebecca. She is a woman who loves God, and life, and family, and all His creation."

Full & Happy Heart said...

Love you mama