
Monday, November 7, 2011

it is a dream(nightmare?)

Continuing my non-sleep pattern I had a terrible time falling asleep last night. When I finally did I slept for a whopping 2 hours. During those 2 hours I had a wretched dream. And here on this lovely medium of the internet I will share said dream and I would like to open it for interpretation.

In this dream I returned home. To our little house on Hillside Rd on top of the little mountain in North NJ. I returned with a man I was apparently dating, a tall light haired, green eyed man. I planned to show him everything; the house, the Tepee made out of fallen trees, the big white house with the dog that scared our dog, my neighbor's little house that my sisters and I spent so many afternoons, the tree house, the swamp, the pet cemetery, the top of the trail where you could see the city's skyline, everything. When we got there though everything had changed. My neighborhood of 10 houses had turned into a neighborhood of 100. Cement everywhere. The blueberry trail had turned into a park full of cement and graffiti. The tree tepee had fallen over, the tree house torn down. The old barn that my sister and I used to play at was abandoned, all the horses gone, fences fallen. So as I was walking him around my old home I was explaining to him all that used to be. The whole time I was though I kept thinking 'this is not the guy I thought I would be showing this to', 'this isn't the guy I'm supposed to be sharing this with', 'I wanted to share my whole life, past and all with someone else'. As we went on walking and hiking I could feel my heart sinking deeper and deeper. Then as we were hiking towards to old mining area he grabbed me and kissed me and promptly proposed. And I promptly said yes. I instantly woke in turmoil. The fact that my old home town changed really was nothing more than my subconscious telling me that we really can never go back, you never step in the same river twice etc, etc. It was the man that bothered me.


Anonymous said...

Well of course your description of the old place on Hillside made me cry because it was so vivid. and I remembered those good parts, too. And I think you're interpretation is likely accurate.
The guy. Hmm. Possibly that who you think it will be and how you think you will feel is not what you are imagining afterall. Perhaps it will be different from every movie, every other person's situation, every story, every dream. It will just BE.
Focus on your dreams and move toward them. Denise gave D an amazing little book that I want to get for you. I've talked to three people who said it changed their lives and, more importantly, their direction AND keeps them on the path over time.
Keep dreaming. Keep smiling. Keep being you. The you that loves life and nature and God and people. The you who is inteligent and intuitive. The you who is kind and thoughtful to family, friends and even stsrangers. The you who alows her soul to dance to music and her heart to open to God's voice.
M aka caw

Anonymous said...

Dear Bex - Insomnia sucks. Been there too many times. Best advice - unplug for a while before you sleep. No internet, no tv, nothing plugged in near you - lamp, radio etc. For some reason it made a difference. Oh and no caffeine after noon. That's not fun but you gotta try it...
As for the dream - amazing that it was so vivid. It's wonderful to go home again if only in our dreams.
As for the guy... it's natural to worry about how to choose wisely. But write your list - the 'MUSTS' more than the 'would likes'. Then never say yes if they don't match. Things like: He treats him mom & sisters wonderfully, and He has not only a job but a bright future - some direction/goals - the desire to make something of himself. He recognizes the beauty in your soul. You will know when it's right. (And your back up plan...if your Aunt Ricki says: "Bex - not good enough" be willing to listen.)
Becca, YOU are a gem - your handsome prince will come! Maybe today!

Success is Closer Than You Think said...

Becca, you are so smart and so beautiful. Wonderful things are in store for you. Take a deep breath. Relax. Enjoy each day. Let God work in mysterious ways to bring you more joy than you can imagine.

AdaliaMusic said...

Ditto to exactly what Aunt Ricki and Dad said. You're over-thinking and over-analyzing about this when it's actually totally out of your control. You're an incredible person but you're losing your grip because you're so desperately trying to find something (love) or someone (a man) to show you that your life is worth it. A man can't do that. No matter which man it is. Earthly love can't do that. No love on earth can match the true agape love that God has for you. You can't find yourself or your answers here. You can only find them when you lose yourself in God.

Cheryl Ann Wills said...

time for the g_n?