
Friday, July 22, 2016

it is free flight

Yesterday I took the chance and went and found some wild mustangs. For the record it was better than I imagined. I was able to get quite close to these magnificent animals. I work with horses every day and see them running through fields, climbing mountains and jumping fences however seeing these untouched creatures was astounding. While I was sitting eating a picnic lunch with my beau I thought about what has taken place in my life to get me to that place. The short answer is a lot has happened. The biggest step that I think I took is letting go. Of everything. If I hadn't taken that leap and cleared out my life and my brain, I would not have been up on top of that mountain searching for wild ponies. I would not have focused on healing my heart for 4 months and actually putting the pieces back together, I would not have found bits of myself I had lost along the way and I would not have learned to bloom. I am so grateful I listened to that voice inside. I am so grateful I found myself here on this adventure. And I am so glad I put myself back together so that I could open myself back up to love. And what a beautiful day that was when my heart finally felt free. When it could soar above all the pain that's been holding it back for so many years.  I am grateful for the people who let me go as well. My friends and family who listened to me and allowed me to go on this crazy whim of an adventure. Without their blessing and support it would have been a lot harder to fly. ❤️

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