
Monday, August 29, 2011

It is the ever changing world we call home

There are very few absolutes, laws of physics aside, in this world. This past week provided proof if I needed convincing.

Last week my little shop shut for good. Sadly the man who purchased it went bankrupt and in a matter of hours almost six years of love pain happiness stress tears and joy was over. I was working at the restaurant the other day and a customer from the coffee shop was there. She asked me what happened. Told me how much she missed me there. I began to cry talking about it being gone (here I am in a busy restaurant surrounded by strangers and I'm tearing up- I am such a shameless sap!) As I was talking to her though I realized that none of my new friends in my life would get to see something that was such an instrumental part in making me who I am. They wouldn't see the people who I loved they wouldn't see me in that element ever. I am quite confident that nothing like the HB will ever exist in my life again. I don't see how it could. That whole separate world that revolved around eccentric people and good coffee. That place that I gave my lifeblood to. That little shop in so many ways was an outward physical manifestation of me. Now there is a whole new set of my life where that will be obscure.

Today I am on a plane flying to Canada for a dear friends wedding. Life moving changing growing. This weekend 3 years ago a dear acquaintance of mine died on an early morning flight. I remembered this as my flight was heading down the runway. Siting towards the back of the plane looking at the rows of seats full of people thinking of how a flight similar to this one ended up being a fiery coffin for all those people. I know I've mused about the shortness of life before but whenever I am reminded of the uncertainty it makes me think - is my life where I want it? If I were to die today here on this plane did I tell the people I care about that I do? Will my responsibilities be taken care of? Did I live my life with fear and trepidation or did I take risks and chances and did I remember to live this life?

There is never a good time for change. There is never a good time for conflict. Nor is there a perfect time to die. Change happens and the world spins. Conflict arises and we must handle it. Death is inevitable.

There are good constants too. Love will always be in the world. New life will always spring up. And peace comes after conflict.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

Dear Becca,
My heart breaks for all you are going through. And yet I am so proud of you. You are an amazing woman! How I wish it could have ended differently! But I know the time was right for you to make a change and I know what ever you do next it will be done with joy, creativity and great love - as the HB was. You are in my heart - i geel so blessed to have you in my life! And I will keep you in my prayers, always. I love you dearly, Aunt Ricki

stlouismb said...

So sorry to hear about this. Many fond memories of visits with friends, over coffee, will also remain-- for me.

Here's to your next adventure!


Anonymous said...

Hi Becca,
Change seems to catch us all unaware sometimes. The changes in your mom's life had a domino effect in my life. I found myself the lone director of a writer's circle. The Hard Bean Writer's Circle no longer had a 'hard bean' to stand on. So, we changed our name to The Inkwell Writer's Circle. Though we managed to stay in Grandview, we will be meeting in an office space just down the street where, sadly, we will have to bring our own coffee. You have a blessed future, Becca, so don't look back. I will always cherish my fondest memory of the Hard Bean which is the Hug-In-A-Cup made by Becca Wills. Love you, girl!

Conni said...

Bleh. That blows. I am so sorry.
There are elements of my life that no one I know now will ever see me in, but they are reaping the benefits of who I have become from those experiences. Well, I like to think it's 'reaping the benefits'. LOL

I am sure that something equally as wonderful and rewarding as the HB will come into your life. You are an awesome woman and deserve it!
Love ya,