
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I have nothing to say, so I will just ramble

I really don't have much to say but I feel like talking to someone and you are the only people available at the moment. So sorry.
My mother likes to tell me about myself I have come to notice. She thinks because I have a blog that I am a writer, I don't think so, I am a talker and when there are no ears present I type to get the words out of my head. I love the fact that my mom is a "mother bear". She will still growl and snarl in defense of me even if I am growling and snarling just fine with out her.
My father very often surprises me with the hugeness of his compassion. I saw him the other day helping a huge guy with an empty gas tank along the side of the road. And he didn't tell anyone, in fact he doesn't know I saw him. But it made me proud that he is my Dad.
My little sister is a perfectionist, for that matter so is my older sister. But I love them so much for not making sure I am perfect and loving me for who I am.
I am often surprised at how connected people are with my life when I think that they are far apart. And then sometimes when you think someone is connected they are far away.
I hate the fact that God gave women periods. But I guess we could be like chickens and have to lay an egg a day so I guess I should be grateful. I wonder if they could harvest our human eggs and conduct similar research as they are with embryonic stem cells.
Sometimes I think about life in a way like a which adventure do you choose book and most of the time I have chosen the right path, even if it was rocky. I guess that says a lot about me being happy at where I am in my life, well at least I think I am moving in the right direction.
I generally dislike hormones and the things they make us feel and do. But i guess without them we would be rocks or at least sea coral and that would be a very boring life I would imagine.
I have often wondered about the kid on X-Men who could duplicate himself and I wonder if he duplicates his entire brain or is it just the one brain controlling all the bodies and if so, if one body was say at school while the other one was running a marathon and one was doing housework while the other was at a job, wouldn't the main brain be exhausted? I wonder if he would eventually self-combust.
I was thinking the other day while I was thinking about my future and I was thinking about how much easier life would be if I were married. Like I wouldn't be expected to make all the decisions all of the time. I wouldn't be expected to know a little but about all aspects of home repair. I wouldn't have to clean the gutters. I would not have to rely on all the bills coming out of my paycheck, I might even be able to have spending money. Then I thought about how much life is easier not being married. I can make my own decisions, I don't have to discuss having children or not, I don't have to ask if I can paint the bedroom purple (for the record I would never do). But really truly and honestly I can't decide whether or not I should get married. I am sure I would be just fine being single for the rest of my life but I know I would eventually get lonely and loneliness can be a bad thing.
I really like the friends I have now. I really do, they all have their little quirks that makes them them. But none of them are pathological lairs. None of them would even dream about being a backstabber. They are all genuinely nice people, and I love them. They are much more wonderful people then I have ever know before.
A while ago a guy I liked came into the store. It was a long time ago for people who know who I am talking about, so don't get excited. But anyway, I just thought I would tell you all that I miss talking with him.
It was the second anniversary of Thomas's death the other day. That was sad and crazy to think about all that has happened since then. I still miss him as I am sure many other people do, possibly more so than I.
I really like my scooter, he is very much so fun to ride. But I need to come up with a name for him.
I just dropped a cup that had an ounce of honey at the bottom. It bounced on the floor shot into my eye and drizzled down my pants. So now my eye lashes are sticky and my pants are soaked.

1 comment:

Cheryl Ann Wills said...

I'm glad you still see me as a mother bear and don't mind TOO much :)
You don't have to be a good writer to be a good writer. You can be a good talker/thinker/idea-er and team up with a good editor....kind of like music and lyrics.
all to say, you're good. and this was great, spelling errors and all! i love you!